Hello to anyone who is reading this! I am excited to say that I finally finished creating my blog, though it did take a few hours. If you couldn’t already tell I am using Jekyll + GitHub Pages to help create it! I think I’m just going to start off by saying what I’m currently working on, but I also have a lot of previous projects on GitHub if you’d like to check them out.

So currently, I have a project that I am calling Aviar Messages. I’ve been working on it off and on for months now, and I think it’s come pretty far. My idea for Aviar is to connect iMessage to Windows using python. The current idea is to have a server on a Mac device, and a client on a Windows device. They connect to each other using socket and then it will notify you when you get a message. You can also tell the Mac to send a message using iMessage. The Python end of it works, but I am looking to turn that into a gui however, so I am using XCode on Mac and a friend is helping me with the Windows side, using Python modules. It’s definitely still a WIP but once it’s finished I’ll release it on GitHub.

In the future I’m going to post whenever I finish a project, or just reach a milestone that I’d like to mention. I’m also learning how to use markdown (specifically with Jekyll), so I’m excited to post things with code blocks and whatnot. If I feel like it would be useful I may also post tutorials on how to do things, I may make one for creating a Jekyll site in a little. If you ever want to know more about anything I mention, feel free to email me at mtroalson@gmail.com.