Well I know I haven’t posted in approximately… 2 months, 28 days, 4 hours, 23 minutes, 50 seconds, but thats not to say I’ve given up on my blog! I just haven’t been coding as much recently due to getting to see people in person again, since COVID got better for a bit. Now you’ve probably read the title so you know where I’m going with this, but unfortunately the 13Q Server is going to have to end. The main reason is time because most of us are going to LASA which is a rigorous school. Thats not to say that all our work’s gone to waste! We’re planning on turning bossbars, NPCs, and messaging into plugins that you can download, as well as the socket server. Another thing that I have been working on in the past month or so is Artifact, which is a mini game. Once I finish that, it will be a standalone plugin anyone can download.

Well, this is going to be a short post, I don’t have all that much to talk about but I will continue to post (hopefully about once a week) with updates on Artifact!