Ok so… it’s been a while. Now I know I said this last time, but I’m going to start posting every Saturday for real. So anyway, I’m going to mainly just update you on my coding recently! I’ve taken a break from Artifact, but I will get back to it eventually. I have quite a bit to get around to after I’m done with my current project.

So, after I decided to take a break from Artifact, I began to look into BTD6 modding. I enjoyed playing the game a few years ago, and recently got back into it so I thought it’d be cool to mod. I started by searching some things and tutorials, but most of them were out of date so here’s a lesson to any aspiring programmers reading this: USE THE COMMUNITY! Almost as soon as I joined the Discord for BTD6 modding, there were people who could help me get started and now I’m helping other people in that same server. Anyway, back to the modding. BTD6 was made in Unity, which those of you who’ve used Unity know that means it’s coded in C#. I didn’t really know C# before doing this, but because both it and Java (which I did know) are object-oriented languages (OOLs), I picked it up pretty quickly. If anyone wants help modding BTD6, feel free to email me, or heck, you can just join the Discord yourself and get started. I’m not going to get into the details for anyone who doesn’t know the game, but BTD6 is a tower defense game and I’m adding a custom tower to it.

I mentioned the fact that I already have several projects lined up after the mod, so here goes: turning bossbars, NPCs, and messaging from 13Q into plugins, and finishing Artifact (involves making a config and finishing the scoreboard). Hopefully those don’t take too long because here it is, a teaser for my next huge project: a Minecraft mod. Now you might be thinking to yourself, “What’s the big deal? He’s already made a Minecraft server and given up on it,” and you’d be right. However this mod is going to be created by the same team as 13Q but we aren’t a schedule to try and launch it like the server, so we can work on it at our leisure. It’s going to completely revamp the game and the menu and everything, being a standalone mod essentially using Minecraft to create a new game. Not sure how long it’ll take or even if it gets done, but that’s the idea. Of course you may notice I haven’t told you what this “game within a game” is going to actually be, and that’s because I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise ;).

Anyway, that’s me signing off and FOR REAL, I’m going to post every Saturday. Oh one last thing: I may attempt to set up a mailing list so you can get notified when I post but not sure how I’ll fit that into my schedule yet.

See you next time and as always, feel free to reach out if you need anything!