Well its been a week and here I am again. As you can tell in the title, I’ve been working on something that I didn’t mention in the past couple of posts. Mainly I didn’t mention it because its more of a side project that I’ve just been working on during school, just whenever I have a little bit of time. It’s almost done, and basically the premise is that you can moderate an Aternos (aternos.org) Minecraft server from Discord. For anyone who doesn’t know, Aternos is a free Minecraft hosting service. The catch is that you have to start it manually, and then it will turn off if no one has been on the server for 5 minutes.

Overall I am really appreciative of their service, however since I have a server with a few friends, it would be nice to be able to see stats about it and turn it on from Discord. Anyway, I’m almost done with it, I’ve had to do some strange things to circumvent Cloudflare (a DDOS and bot protection software) which Aternos employs. Basically because I use Replit (replit.com) to host Discord bots, I ran into an issue since Cloudflare has blacklisted Replit IPs since they often are used to host bots (and Cloudflare is partly bot protection). If you want to hear more, or do something similar, you can always contact me or look at my code for it (link below). It will also be on my GitHub after I’m done with it, but at the moment it’s only on Replit. Anyway, that’s about to be done and I will probably be doing my BTD6 mod next. I’ve been taking a haitus recently from it, because I think I got a little burnt out on it, but I’ll be working more on it soon (I hope).

I also realized after pushing my last post, and didn’t feel like editing it so I’ll just say here, that I forgot part of the timeline. From 13Q, I have some plugins that I want to modify to be ready for publishing such as Artifact, NPCs, Bossbars, etc. Those probably won’t take very long but it’s worth mentioning. I’m pretty excited to get back into Minecraft coding, but I have some stuff to wrap up before then.

Another thing that affects the timeline is a new project! Yes, yes I know I already have like half a dozen, but this time I’ll be working with a team. If you ever deal with Canvas (or BLEND, or whatever you want to call it), you should be using Canvas+ (canvasplus.org) if you’re not already! Along with the developer of that extension, and a few other friends, we will be making Frontline+ for Frontline/TEAMS. If you’re not familiar with either of those, Canvas is a system that many organizations with courses, such as school districts, use to help organize online content for those courses. TEAMS, recently rebranded Frontline, is a grade management service also used by many school districts. Canvas+ offers many QOL additions to Canvas, and we hope to do the same for Frontline in Frontline+. More info will be coming up soon, but it will be an extension just the same as Canvas+.

Last thing I’ll mention for today is the rename! You’ve probably noticed that I’ve changed the name to CodingCloud! I didn’t really have a name previously so there you go. Small change but better than “Coding Blog”. I also went ahead and bought the “Super-Cool” plan on follow.it so that I can get a few extra features, one of which is sending an email immediately when I post. Which kind of reveals that I almost forgot to post this one…. don’t worry about that.

That’s all for today, school’s been taking up a lot of my time but I’ve managed to have a project to work on during it, so that helps. Thank you all, and as always, see you next time.

My Replit: https://replit.com/@MaliciousFiles
Aternos Discord Bot: https://replit.com/@MaliciousFiles/Aternos-Control