I’ll be honest I had a hard time coming up with what to title this post, because I don’t really have much to talk about. Been busy with school and homework, and to be honest my mind is just kind of dead after a long day of school and waking up at 6 in the morning. So, weekends are theoretically when I’d be getting my work done, but last weekend I was busy since it was a 3 day weekend and this weekend I’m busy with a school thing! There are a couple of small things I’d like to mention in terms of new projects, firstly I’ve been asked to look into making an MC anti-cheat. I don’t really expect that project to go anywhere, but I’ll look into it for fun anyway. Secondly, I may or may not make a plugin for some friends’ server, not sure what’ll happen with that but it would also be a quick project like the anti-cheat. Finally, I’ll just quickly mention the plan for the next few weeks. Mainly, I want to try to get as much work done as possible on the weekends, since I can’t depend on after school (between homework and mind melting). As for upcoming projects, here goes: BTD6 Mod –> MC Anti-Cheat –> MC plugin for friend –> Hunger Games in MC.

That’s all for today, it’s been a really short one but I don’t really have much to say. Don’t forget to scroll down and subscribe to the newsletter!!! \/ \/ \/ \/ \/